The humidity sensor provides an extremely fast responce time for fast context awareness application and high overall accuracy over a wide temperature range.
The pressure sensor is an absolute barometric pressure sensor with extremely high accuracy and resolution.
The integrated temperature sensor has been optimized for lowest noise and highest resolution. Its output is used for temperature compensation of the pressure and humidity sensors and can also be used for estimation of the ambient temperature.
- measures temperature (°C)
- measures atmospheric pressure (Pa) /altitude (m)
- measures relative humidity (%)
- context awareness, e.g. skin detection, room change detection
- fitness monitoring
- home automation control
- weather forecast
- based on the BME280 From Bosch Sensortec.
- operating range:
* temperature: -40 to 85°C
* relative humidity: 0 to 100%
* pressure: 300 to 1100 hPa
- humidity sensor and pressure sensor can be independently enabled/ disabled
- 3 power modes:
* sleep mode
* normal mode
* forced mode